Just make something up. We'll be the only ones who know.

Crystallized image of a tree with sky background in Spain.

Author: Neologue Page 2 of 3

Issue #5 up now!

And thanks to poet Tim Meyer responding in record time to my own last-minute message, and a little coding every day instead of the day of publication, the new issue goes up tonight! Fewer poets this issue around, but with work just as sweet as the last few apples of the season. Hope you enjoy. Shout out to Right Hand Pointing, a journal one submission introduced me to – love their aesthetic and the writing is excellent.

Featured poet up for Issue #5!

But you’ll have to wait for tomorrow for the rest! Happy halloween.

Issue #4 Posted!

Check it out! An interesting1 problem arose when preparing for this issue. One author submitted a set of response poems to Neruda’s The Book of Questions. I wanted to publish the Question and its Answer side by side, but found the translation I had been reading was only recently copyrighted. I thought I could translate it myself2, but Neruda published The Book of Questions in 1974 in the United States, which means his family and heirs retain control of the copyright for that work until 2069. American copyright law at work for you authors out there, folks. Get out there and publish!

1To nerds.
2To my AP Spanish teacher’s great dismay, my spoken Spanish is to my written Spanish as a five-year-old’s speech is to that of a high school graduate.

Issue #4 going up tonight!

Please check back later today to see which wonderful authors are being showcased this month.

Issue #3 posted and Autumn Poetry Contest news

Congratulations to featured poet Honor Vincent and everyone else chosen for the new issue!

I’d also like to note that the Autumn Poetry Contest did not receive 10 entries and will close, but be replaced by the Spring Poetry Contest. I’ve received two thirds of the entries in the past month, so I’m thinking that the longer-running this Journal, the more comfortable people will be submitting. At the end of the day, though, it’s now a $500 prize…so send me your best to win half a grand!

First contest entry!

Looks like I spoke too soon about the Autumn Poetry Contest! Entries are starting to come in. Have a look at the submission guidelines and send in your best work for a shot at the $250 prize!

Issue #2 posted!

Head over to read some new great work! Fewer submissions this month than last, but hopefully things pick up again for August.

I’m also noticing that nobody has submitted to the $250 poetry contest, and I suspect this is due to either lack of knowledge of the contest or a feeling that the $6 entry fee is too high. As I am currently running the Journal out of my own pocket, I had hoped that entry fees would cover the cost of the prize. If I do not receive more than 10 entries to the contest, it will be cancelled with all entry fees refunded, and the next contest will be held when I’ve saved enough to offer something more substantial.

Issue #1 posted!

Thanks to everyone who submitted, and congratulations to all those accepted! I’m looking forward to publishing more great work next month!

Keep ’em coming!

Getting a lot of great submissions for the June issue!  Planning to make final decisions for this month and send out acceptances on June 21st.

Poetry Contest Announcement – $250 prize!

The Submissions page has been updated to open the inaugural Autumn Poetry Contest!  Click over to learn more!

As the reader base expands, I hope to offer larger prizes as well as runners-up prizes.

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