Just make something up. We'll be the only ones who know.

Crystallized image of a tree with sky background in Spain.

Month: November 2017

Issue #6 posted!

Check it out!

As befitting the season, this month’s issue is a little lean. May Megan Mealor’s diction keep you warm (it did for me – she’s Featured for a reason!). Congratulations to this year’s Pushcart nominees – Jon Riccio, Jon Croal Jackson, Honor Vincent, and Megan Mealor.

The difference a quote can make

As a poet, writer, or even just someone who’s seen a cringe-inducing typo, you know the difference a misplaced quotation mark can make. However, the issues with the page were related not to where I placed the quotes, but what kind. See the following? ( “ ” ) Really zoom in, it’s actually a begin quote and an end quote symbol instead of two identical ones. When I coded the page, I did so on a notepad app on my computer, but the browser doesn’t recognize the begin quote symbol and I didn’t see the difference when I copied it in. So, a link would go from working like this to not working, like this. Many thanks to Erik Fuhrer, poet of Issue #5, who pointed out the link failures.

Issue #5 up now!

And thanks to poet Tim Meyer responding in record time to my own last-minute message, and a little coding every day instead of the day of publication, the new issue goes up tonight! Fewer poets this issue around, but with work just as sweet as the last few apples of the season. Hope you enjoy. Shout out to Right Hand Pointing, a journal one submission introduced me to – love their aesthetic and the writing is excellent.

Featured poet up for Issue #5!

But you’ll have to wait for tomorrow for the rest! Happy halloween.

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